Want the EJC for your private party, conference, or life cycle event? Have an idea of something YOU want to present? You’re in the right place!

So you've got a great idea for EJC? Great! Perhaps it's a one-time workshop or even a series, a book reading or a dance class. We'd love to support you. Here's the way it works: While we do initiate some programming at EJC, much of our programming operates on a model of the Commons being a space that community members can use to initiate their own programming. It's a hybrid model, as often we need to provide staffing, training, etc., but it works! We try to offer our spaces here for a reasonable price so we can support you (or any community member) in their endeavor. We're happy to publicize events in our eblast as long as you provide the materials (meaning you put together the wording and, if necessary, have a web page for it). Ultimately what works is if the idea, energy and most importantly production comes from you.

We like ideas but we like plans even more. And of course if you do need help thinking about a project we are here for you!

(Interested in coworking or renting office space at EJC? Find out more here.)

Get in touch with Eric Stern at ericstern@ejcpdx.org to pitch an idea, talk through logistics, or ask a question.