EJC wishes to thank our formative Stakeholder Council, an energetic group of community members who shared in our vision of a thriving hub of Jewish life on Portland’s eastside and who offered time, treasure, and talent as we created and opened our doors.

We are grateful for the guidance, advice, and connections that our stakeholders were able to offer us.

Lesley Alter

Michael Alter

Bracha Bar-Lev

Shua Bar-Lev

David Bean

Marah Bean

Bruce Birk

Jennifer Birk

Rubi Cammarota

Steve Carples

Niki Clark

Glen Coblens

Arnold Cogan

Elaine Cogan

Alana Cogen

Marge Congress

Jennifer Coury

Rob Coury

Robin Denburg

Mitch Elovitz

Nicole Elovitz

Danielle Firestone

Dave Forman

Debbie Frank

Deborah Freedberg

Eleyna Fugman

Dan Gerber

Mary Ruth Hanna

Michael Hanna

Jessica Hilbert

Brenda Katz

Shoshana Gugenheim Kedem

JD Kleinke

Josh Lake

Sonia Marie Leikam

Theo Leikam

Ken Lerner

Daniel Mandel

Dvora Mencher

Katie Paige

Aaron Pearlman

Margot Pearmine

Sarah Phillips

Kenny Rait

Mary Rait

Sacha Reich

Sarah Rosenburg Brown

Stewart Rossman

Nissa Rost-Rothman

Nicole Sacks

Robert Sacks

Sonya Sanford

Rob Shlachter

Laurel Singer

Scott Snyder

Rachel Stern

David Striar

Eliana Temkin

Dina Temkin

Robyn Tenenbaum

Jeffrey Weitz

Marianne Zarkin