We appreciate the investment of our founding supporters, who helped open EJC.
Bruce Melzer & Robyn Urbach
Lora & Jim Meyer (z’l)
Newfield Family
Harold Pollin z’l
Sharon Pollin
Ken & Mary Rait
Margot Feves Pearmine
Erik Richmond & Annette Demsey Family Fund of OJCF
Alysa Rose & David Finkelman
Marin & Grace Rosman Fund
Stewart & Stacy Rosman
Nissa Rost-Rothman
Vicki & Alan Rotstein
Brian Scott & Marianne Zarkin
Howard Shapiro z’l
Rebecca Shine
Rob & Mara Shlachter
Laurel Singer & David Striar
Jonathan Singer
Richard B. Solomon & Alyce Flitcraft
Rob & Sara Sturtz
Dina Temkin
Jeffrey & Mahri Weitz
Tamar Wyte-Lake & Josh Lake
Zenith Tzedakah Fund of OJCF
Lesley & Michael Alter
Shua & Bracha Bar-Lev
David & Marah Bean
Gabe Berg & Phyllis Jossy
Hannah Berg & Daniel Mandel
Bruce & Jennifer Birk Family Fund of OJCF
Birk-Coblens Family Fund of OJCF
Karen Blauer & Dvora Mencher
Aron & Lisa Borok
Steve & Joan Carples
Rob & Jen Coury
Rebecca Darling-Budner
Howard & Susan Freedman
David Forman & Julie Robinson
Bruce Frederick
Judah Gold-Markel
Daniel Gerber & Elaura Rifkin
Ellen Green
Seymour & Julia Hanfling
Michael & Mary Ruth Hanna
Brian & Martha Izensen
Gina Westhoff & Mike Khavul
J.D. Kleinke & Sara Radcliffe
Nan & Allan Lipton
Thomas Lux
Peter Mellman and Sandra Valle
Bold names indicate donations of $10,000 and above
Thank you to our supporters who have sustained Eastside Jewish Commons' since opening our doors on July 1, 2021.
Anne LeVant Prahl
Ken Lerner
Janice Kettler
William Kwitman
Jack Lazareck
Ken Levy
Linda Leyva
Diana Lindemann
Liuna Local 483
Jenn Louis
Dianne Lindemann
Liz Lipoff
Nan & Allan Lipton
Marvin Lurie
Patty Magid-Volk
Russ Mahler
Marki Maizels
Carol Marcus
Melissa Marcus
John Martyn
Bruce Melzer & Robyn Urbach
Abby & Rick Menashe
Liz & Ruben Menashe z'l
Vic Menashe
Jesse Meyer-Crosby
Mark Meyer
Robert Meyers
Keith Miller
Lora + Jim Meyer Fund of OJCF
Jake Moffett
Debbi & Alan Montrose
Bob Mullen
Stephan Nance
Jack Nathanson
Newfield Family
Bonnie & Harris Newman
Tamara Olcott
David Newman and Laura Orgel
Olive Bridge Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Katie Paige
Martha Paige
Margot Feves Pearmine
Kathryn Pearson
Michael Perman
Alisa Peskin-Shepherd
Hope Peskin-Shepherd
Rita & Bob Philip
Sharon Pollin, Pollin Family Fund
Ruthie Prasil
Anne Ramzy
Reich-Pearlman Family Fund of OJCF
Jerome M. Reich Memorial Fund of OJCF
Marla Resnick
Erik Richmond & Annette Demsey Family Fund of OJCF
Flauren Ricketts
Alysa Rose & David Finkelman
Gerson Robboy
Kim Rosenberg
Sarah Rosenberg Brown & family
Charlie Rosenblum
Dori Rosenblum
Nick Rothenberg
Douglas Ruth
Lesley & David Sacks
Nicole & Robert Sacks
Sonya Sanford
Katie Schneider
Schpee Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Benson Schaeffer
Brian Scott
Morgan Senkal
Edward Shane
Rebecca Shine
Kenneth Shine
Karen Sherman
Rob & Mara Shlacter
Eddy Shulman
Lynne Siegel z’l
Ariel Singer
Jonathan Singer
Judi Soloway
Laurel Singer & David Striar
Craig Smith & Amy Youngflesh
Cynthia Smith
Adam Steckel
Barbara Steinfeld
Rachel Stern
Rochelle & Joe Stilwell
Rabbi Ariel Stone
Judi Soloway
Lynn Taylor
Eliana Temkin
Susan Tipton
Leora Troper
Aaron Vitells
Mike Vladimer
Benjamin Walters
Dana Weinstein
Anne Weiss
Jeffrey & Mahri Weitz
Carol Weliky
Michael Wendrow
Jim Winkler z'l
Marianne Zarkin
Zenith Tzedakah Fund of OJCF
Cara and Tony Abrams
Elly Adelman
Doug Baer
Troy Barnard
Mia Barnett
David & Marah Bean
Melinda Becker
Lee David Beller
Gabe Berg
Hannah Berg & Daniel Mandel
Keith & Rosalie Berne
Howie Bierbaum
Bruce & Jennifer Birk Family Fund of OJCF
Birk-Coblens Family Fund of OJCF
David & Diane Birk
Joyce Birk & Tommy Thompson
Andrew Black
Marc Blattner
Gerel Blauer z'l
Karen Blauer & Dvora Mencher
Janis Blauer-Chima
Shemaya Blauer
Tami Bloom
Aron Borok
Barbara Brown
Judy Brown
Elise Brickner-Schulz
Adam Caplan
Elizabeth Caplan
Steve & Joan Carples
Karey Cashman
Julia Chaltiel
Cary Clarke
Walker & Nikki Clark
Sarah Coblens
Bradley Coffey
Leonard Cogan
Arlene Cogen
Mitch Cogen
Beth Cohen
Yvonne Cohen/Cohen Family Fund
Alison Colman
Marge Congress
Leah Conley
Carol Danish
Laurie Davis
Loree Devery
Rob Donovan
William Diebold & Deb Freedberg
Aaron Friedman
Miles Ellenby & Robyn Tenenbaum
Nicole & Mitch Elovitz
Donna Erbs
Karen Erde
Carmella Ettinger
Kate & Jason Fagelman
Harriet Fasenfast
Howard and Jen Feldman
Donna Feuerherdt
Danielle Firestone
David Forman & Julie Robinson
Frucht Family
Eleyna Fugman
Desta Fury
Kim Fuson
John Gadon
Sue Gemmel
Andra Georges
Linda Ginenthal
David & Katie Gold
Steve Gold
Jacob Goldberg
Jacob Goldbert
Adam Goldman
Ellie Simon Goldman
Emerald Goldman
Judith Gold-Markel
Ellen Green
David Gross
Ann Grover
Susy Marci and Katrina Hammel
Janet Hammer
Seymour & Julia Hanfling
Michael & Mary Ruth Hanna
Barbara Hershey
Wendy Hill
Holzman Family Fund
Robbin Isaacson DeWeese
Myra Jackson
Debra Jarcho
Adam Jenkins
Laura Jeser
Marcia Kahn
Leslie Kantor
Laurie Kays
David Karlin Family Fund of OJCF
Andrew Tertes Kedem
Daniel Kempler
Adam Kettler
Simon Kipersztok
J.D. Kleinke & Sara Radcliffe
KC Knight
Larry & Karen Konick
Nell Kranz
Jack Lazareck
Bold names indicate donations of $10,000 and above
Donations listed were received as of February 28, 2025
Stephan Nance
In memory of Itai Nir ben Leah v'Yosef (Itai Dewar)
Bonnie Newman
Happy 87th birthday to Hy Berger!
Bonnie Newman
Mazel tov to Howie Bierbaum on his new adventure with the EJC!
Alisa Peskin-Shepherd
In honor of Rabbi Tzvi Fischer
Ruthie Prasil
in memory of Howie Bierbaum’s good friend, Lynne Siegel
Roy Pulvers
In memory of Lynne F. Siegel
Reich-Pearlman Family Fund of OJCF
In honor of Mia Birk and her vision
Reich-Pearlman Family Fund of OJCF
In honor of Howie Bierbaum and Eric Stern’s cultural leadership
Jerome M. Reich Memorial Fund of OJCF
In honor of Mia Birk for her leadership and vision
Marla Resnick
In memory my parents Herb and Lee Resnick
Erik Richmond & Annette Demsey Family Fund of OJCF
In honor of Donna Winkler
Dori Rosenblum
To welcome my wonderful friend Howie as the new ED!!!!!
Arielle Ross
In solidarity with the Muslim Community Center in Beaverton
Rabbi Ariel Stone
In honor of Mia Birk, for her partnership in the beginning
Rabbi Ariel Stone
In honor of Kalyn Culler Cohen, who knew how to make it happen
Janine Summy
In honor of Dr. Bruce Birk
Tony & Cara Abrams
In honor of our daughter, Ruth Micah Abrams
Keith and Rosalie Berne
To the memory of Donna Winkler, May it be for a blessing
Joyce Birk
In honor of Mia Birk and Glen Coblens
Joyce Birk
In memory of Tommy Thompson
Birk-Coblens Family Fund of OJCF
With appreciation to the Zidell Family Foundation
Birk-Coblens Fund of OJCF
In honor of Alysa Rose + Erik Richmond, for their many years of dedication to EJC
Shemaya Blauer
In honor of Karen Blauer
Elizabeth Caplan & Adam Caplan
In honor of Henry Blauer
Julia Chaltiel
In honor of Hannah Berg for all of the hard work that she commits to her community. We love you!
Myra Jackson
In honor of Mia Birk
Leslie Kantor
In memory of Sylvia Kantor
Larry & Karen Konick
In memory of Catherine Konick Dunton
Nell Kranz
In honor of Beryl Bar-Lev
John Martyn
In honor of Bruce Birk, MD.
Abby & Rick Menashe
In honor of Mia Birk-Coblens and her amazing role with EJC
Alan & Debbi Montrose
Honoring Mia Birk-Coblens
EJC thanks the following organizations and foundations for their generous support
Emily Georges Gottfried Fund of OJCF
Holzman Family Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation
Multnomah County Cultural Coalition
Oregon Jewish Community Foundation (OJCF)
Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation
Oregon Cultural Trust
Oregon Public Broadcasting
Regional Arts + Culture Council
Leonard & Lois Schnitzer Charitable Supporting Foundation of OJCF
Schpee Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
SE Uplift
Stern Grandchildren’s Fund of OJCF
Women’s Giving Circle
Yiddish Book Center
Zera Foundation
Zidell Family Foundation