Join us for our free concert series with top Portland musicians! Pack a lunch or stop by one of the many nearby eateries at NE 24th and Glisan. Bring your food in (no pork or shellfish, please) and come and hear the music!
The concerts will feature small ensembles and soloists that are semi-acoustic and always enlivening. The EJC welcomes seniors, parents and kids, students, and all others. What better thing is there to do on a Friday afternoon?!
This month’s concert features Vince Brown. Vince has been a performing guitarist for over 50 years. He has played at venues & festivals, in pit orchestras and recording studios around the world and now lives quite happily in his adopted hometown of Olympia, Washington. While he has worked in any number of genres from funk to country, it is perhaps jazz and swing music for which he is best known.