Let Creativity Bloom!
Collage allows for spontaneous and layered work that can be beautiful, personally meaningful and is fun and easy to do. We will work with a wide assortment of colored and textured art papers, scraps of paintings, old book pages, and whatever personal items you choose to add. I will lead a short guided meditation to provide cues to help us focus and get started, materials for inspiration and also share ideas about process, composition, color and design.
Discounts available for multiple class sign-ups please contact instructor: charbgold@gmail.com
Friday, April 12th, 12:30-4:30pm
Char Breshgold
I have been a working and exhibiting artist for 40 years. I paint, often from photos, using my art to tell stories. As a graphic designer, I help not-for-profits and businesses get their stories out. I have incorporated collage in handmade books and multi-layered paintings.
As a longtime meditator I find awareness of my breath to be very helpful in creating art. I was a member of The Girl Artists, a collaborative group whose archives have recently been acquired by The Smithsonian Archives of American Art. I am currently at work on a graphic memoir in paintings and stories about the AIDS crisis years.